Photography Fundamentals: Auto to Manual Mode
Class Starts August 24. Sign up Today! See pricing and options
This four week class is like a giant fast forward button to get you off the green box forever! We demystify exposure, manual settings, color/white balance so that you are able to take the pictures you envision. We break manual mode down into manageable, easy to learn chunks so that you will succeed! The workshop materials include PDFs, videos and voice memos to accommodate all learning styles. Weeks 1, 3 and 4 have a shooting assignment that students will submit for feedback from the instructor and class assistant. Week 2 is quite busy and composed of three mini-assignments. This is the most comprehensive and best damn beginner’s class ever!
START DATE: August 24, 2015
Boutique size classes ensure you get personal attention. Limit of 20 Full Participants.
You can get started and see a sample of the class with this free download:
“I read my manual, I read books, I tried to put everything together from online tutorials and I still couldn’t put it all together until Lynne’s class. This class is what made it all click for me! Lynne materials make you feel like you’re learning from your best friend. Everything is well explained in terms you can understand but it’s not stuffy like most books. I didn’t know how much I didn’t know until I took this class! It’s given me a great foundation and I’m so thankful I took this workshop!”
-Kate Wilson
All Images are Straight out of Camera. No Photoshop. No Editing. No Filters. Just the Camera.
Had a GREAT time with this class, even though it “kicked our butt” a bit in weeks 2-3. Even for photographers who’ve been shooting a long time (hobby or pro), Shooting 101 was an amazing refresher/intro course. What was great about this course was that it forces me to think about my settings to get the best pictures, which in the past have been too often hit or miss. Lynne is such a great teacher: extremely knowledgeable, patient and fun. I took her LR 101 course earlier and can’t wait to take another one of her courses.
WOW!! I cannot begin to tell you how much I’ve learnt in the 4 weeks of this workshop. I can honestly say my photography has improved every day. I am in control of my camera and that feels wonderful. Lynne’s lessons and constructive critique are priceless. The TA’s in this course are amazing as well. Thank you. I can’t recommend this workshop enough, it is the best thing I have ever done.
I hesitated about taking this class and then read all the positive reviews and decided to go for it. I had never shot manual anything EVER, plus I was really busy at work. I’m so glad I took the plunge. Lynne is an incredibly gifted educator. She really broke down the steps and the course built very naturally. This was fun, educational and I’m taking some great pictures. I’ll be back for Lynne’s Lightroom course and her RYC 201 and I’m not sure there is a better compliment than a repeat customer! You owe this to yourself. These are memories we’re capturing!
I cannot tell you how much I loved this class. I debated taking it for a while because photography is just a hobby for me so I wasn’t sure if I could justify the money. But I am so glad I took it! I had dabbled in manual mode for a few months but nothing really “clicked” until Lynne’s weekly lessons put everything together for me. I learned more in the first week than I expected to learn the entire course. My photography changed so much over the 4 weeks that several people commented on how improved my photos were on my blog- such a nice surprise! And the best reward? The ability to capture moments of my little girls’ life just as I want to remember them. Thanks Lynne for a photo-changing experience!
I was intimidated & had never shot in manual for the 6 years I’ve owned my DSLR. I’m SO glad this is the way I decided to learn. Lynne is an amazing teacher. The curriculum is very well thought out and well presented (I love the videos!). The weekly assignments were perfectly suited to the lessons and I really appreciated all the CC I received for Lynne, the other mentors & my classmates! The first week was one big “ah-ha” moment for me when the relationship between ss/ap/isp clicked into place. Add in custom white balance by week 2, I took my first photos of my kids (3yr, 8mo) in the bathtyb that I might actually want to print and share with someone. Gone are the days of yellow, dingy & blurry- hello crisp, clean, white tub and kids in focus. By the end of the class, I was even confident enough with my skills to leave the camera in manual for our T’giving vacation- including a trip to the aquarium with basically no lighting. I don’t ever want to see myself shooting in Auto or Pgm mode again! I HIGHLY recommend this class & I’m looking forward to 201 and beyond!
I took this class as a study along and loved it. Although I had started working on shooting in manual a few months ago, this definitely filled in some on the blanks for me. Lynn is a wonderful teacher and very easy to follow. I don’t regret taking the study along at all. Many of the questions I had were asked by the full participation members and I was able to learn from their questions and answers. I would love to take the 201 in the spring if possible. Thanks Lynn!
What a fantastic course! I highly recommend taking this course if you are beginner, or you just want to fill in a few blanks. Lynne is a wonderful teacher and is fabulous at answering all your questions. Thanks Lynne, for all the “ah-ha” moments. :o)
I’ve learned so much from this workshop. Lynne, I cannot thank you enough! I am not confident in using my camera and know for certain that i can capture those never-to-be-missed moments. I highly recommend this class. Now I am off to RYC201, also with Lynne.
I loved this class!! It is perfect for someone who has been shooting on manual for a little while or for someone who is brand new to manual. I had been shooting on manual mode (learning from blogs, friends, books) for 7 months prior to this class, but this class taught me so much more. Lynne is a fantastic teacher and will answer all your questions quickly!! I also learned so much from all of the questions the rest of my classmates asked. They asked some great questions that I hadn’t thought of. At the end of this class, I feel like not only do my pictures look better and sharper, but I am more confident in what I am doing. I did the full participation and it really was the best option for me to keep me accountable for keeping up with the assignments and the constructive criticism is so valuable and helpful. I think the full participation also pushes you a little more because you know you have to put your work out there for the rest of the class to see. I can’t wait to take 201! This is my first workshop and now I think I may be addicted to them!
I cannot say enough good things about this class or about Lynne and the other instructors. I had never shot on manual before and only had a basic understanding of ISO, and SS. The information in this class tied it all together for me and gave me the knowledge I needed to shoot in manual. I still have so much to learn, but I am so excited about some of the images I am getting straight of the camera. The material was presented in a way that was so easy to understand, and the fact that there were different mediums used to convey the lessons just helped drive the points home even more. I highly recommend this workshop and taking the full participation. The feedback that Lynne gives was so valuable to me in making improvements throughout the workshop. I can’t wait to take Shooting 201 next year!
Wow wow and wow! This is seriously the best thing I have done all year. I have done quite a few camera courses in the past but I have never learn’t so much in such a short space of time with such understanding and motivating tutors!! I would do this workshop again I loved it so much! And now I just want to do them all! I think full participation is well worth it, so if you are thinking of doing this course just go for it! Lynne you are a rock star and I am very grateful for everything!!!
This class was/has been amazing! The information and the different formats its presented makes it user friendly for everyone. I went from shooting in auto to manual in the first week alone not to mention how much knowledge I gained along the way. I would definitely recommend this workshop. It has also made me a workshop addict! My list is not a mile long after this experience.
If you can take this class full participation I highly recommend that as well. Not only does Lynne give me great helpful feedback but it also pushes you to keep on track with your assignments.
This workshop was amazing and exceeded every expectation I had. I was certain that the manual mode was beyond me and I was definitely a green box gal, but these 4 weeks were full of light bulb moments. Lynne’s lessons are perfect and she will even go out of her way to create new videos to make things more clear. She is with you all the way, always delivered tailored, hands on attention, so full participation is well worth the money. I would never have grown so much without her gentle yet very constructive criticism. The workshop was so good that I headed straight into 201. A little crazy, I know, but I could not restrain myself! 🙂
This is the first class I was a full participant in (I also took LR101 taught by the FABulous Lynne RIgby!) and although the times I felt out of my element, I get “it” now and that is *all* thanks to this fully-loaded class and our amazing instructor. I now not only have the tools, but the knowledge and (growing) experience to nail some exposure and can work on capturing the moments taking place around me, instead of living in fear that I might miss photo ops or memories due to user error (that can often occur when you’re first shooting in manual- of course- haven’t taken RYC101). This was exactly the push I needed and the confidence booster I hoped for- I would absolutely say TAKE THIS CLASS. (please, take this class) If it not sincerely too rudimentary for your skill set- take RYC201 (with me-HA!) 😀 You will not regret it!
A friend had recommended RYC 101 to me, and i thank her all the time! I had only been shooting in manual for 5 months- and apeture, fstop, ISO we all words that sounded foreign 😉 Lynne’s lessons, videos, and CC were all so helpful. That is actually an understatement, she explains every detail- in video- of how she would set up a shot. This was invaluable to me. After taking 101, I was hooked and needed to learn more from her. RYC 201 is also fantastic. But, that requires another review 😉 If you are starting out, and want to learn more about your camera and what it can do. RYC 101 is for you!
This class is awesome! I highly recommend it! I thought I had an okay understanding of manual mode before this class. I was mistaken. The information this class provides is beyond great. And Lynne is an excellent instructor. Her handouts and videos are so easy to understand. I took the study along (which is a great option) but I say that if you are able to afford it, sign up for the full participation! Thank you for improving this hobbyist’s photography skills!
I learned so much in this class! It was WELL worth the money and I’m so excited to move onto 201! Lynne is a FABULOUS instructor. Her instructions are clear and she is good about answering questions quickly (and patiently!).
I am absolutely thrilled with this class! Lynne is a wonderful instructor! Her lessons are very clear and thought out. As a former teacher, I love how she hits on different types of learning- reading, audio & video! I have take a big step forward in my photography thanks to Lynne & this class- Rock Your Camera 201, here I come!
If you are wondering if you should take this class, DO IT!!! You will not regret it! I had been surfing clickin’ moms for a few months and had read a few photography books. I thought I had an okay understanding of manual. But, this class just made it all come together! It’s truly amazing. I feel so much more confident now. Well worth every penny!
If you’re sitting on the fence, wondering whether the money is “worth it” to take one of CM’s classes- J.U.S.T. D.O. I.T.!!!!!! I’m retired, so I agonized quite awhile about whether I should spend the money, but I’m so glad I did. I learned a lot!!!! Light bulbs went off for me on numerous pieces of Lynne’s class. Not only is she an awesome instructor, but she presents the information in a way that was refreshing and easy to understand. I finally got it about White Balance, about the exposure meter, about metering, and so many others. I’m self-taught, and somewhere along to way, I picked up bad information (or I read it the wrong way), so I found myself breaking some nasty assumptions and habits in the way I’ve been taking pictures, and tried Lynne’s suggestions instead. And they worked!!!! Beautifully!! I’m pleased with how much my photography has improved since taking her class!!
Can’t say enough about the class!! IT’S WORTH IT. Can’t say enough about the instructor!! SHE’S FANTASTIC!! JUST DO IT!! 🙂
This is the best basic class for learning more about photography and shooting in manual that I have ever found. I have shot in manual for years, but truly did not understand it as thoroughly as I do not after completing this class. Lynne is an amazing teacher and her pdf files are amazing along with each video. The part that I enjoyed the most was being able to receive cc on each of my photos, that is the best way to learn for me and I did learn so very much in this class. Thank you, Lynne, and each of the other administrators who helped with this class…you are all amazing!!!
I can’t tell you how much I’ve learnt in the 4 weeks of this workshop. I can honestly say that my photography has improved every day. Since day one of the workshop I started shooting in manual (having never dared go there before) and would not go back, now I am in control of my camera. I have learnt so much and just want to go on learning. I can’t wait to join Lynne is 201 and have already moved on to Natural Light. Honestly I can’t recommend this workshop enough, it is the best thing I have ever done.
This class was the kick in the pants I needed to begin using manual. As a new DSLR owner I was anxious to learn manual so I would not fall into the trap of auto shooting. It worked!!! I came to this class with zero knowledge about manual, and I am leaving with a HUGE desire to learn more and more and keep improving. I’m so excited to share my photos with my friends and family now. The tutorials and videos are excellent. I was crazy enough to take this course during the busiest time of year at work, but still enjoyed spending my weekends learning and shooting. You will not regret taking this class. It is a great springboard into becoming a better photographer.
As others have said, this class is AMAZING! I feel like I went from zero to hero as a photographer in only four short weeks. I am so proud that I can now take control of my shots and not rely on my camera to choose all of the settings for me. I tired to read how-to books and the technical aspects went right over my head. Lynne has such a lovely way of breaking things down and gives participants the confidence they need to take beautiful photos. I signed up for this class through the study-along option and it was fabulous. However, it would have been SO worth it to go for full participation. I have already recommended this class to so many friends and now I am here recommending it to YOU.
All right all you waders, it’s time to jump in the pool!! This is the class to take if you eventually want to swim in the deep end, but don’t worry, Lynne provides floaties (easy to understand tutorials) and rafts (photo examples of what to do and what NOT to do) and lots of positive feedback. She’ll teach you one step at a time how to use your camera to get the images you’ve been seeing- but not capturing. I’m telling you, after taking this workshop with Lynne, frustration is replaced with confidence, and even if you don’t get your shot the first time, you’ll know what to adjust until you do get it! I echo the other participants who said “I wish I had took this class sooner!”
This class was AMAZING!!! I learned things I couldn’t have dreamed of. I not have the knowledge and understanding of my camera to go out there and take the pictures I had been imagining! I love the set-up of the class! And Lynne! Oh, there are not words to explain how fabulous Lynne is! Her knowledge is so vast and she is so accessible and helpful to all of us in class, her lessons are so clear and easy to read and helped me to finally grasp all the information! Loved this course and I can’t wait to take another! If you have DSLR and haven’t learned how to REALLY use it right…this class is for you….you will NOT be disappointed!
I was nervous about taking an online class and if I would be able to “learn” this way! My concerns were put to rest in the first lesson. Lynne is a great teacher who delivers her material with ease and is always there to answer questions and help. If you are just learning to use your DSLR…this is the class for you! I am already signed up for my 2nd CM class and have 3 more that I plan to take in the next few months. Sign up for this class….you won’t regret it!!!
Great class and Lynne was a great teacher! I took it as an under study and I learned so much! Lynne was awesome with her lessons and her videos showed great examples so you feel like you’re getting that hands on help too! 🙂
I bought by first DSLR 4 months ago and had been trying my best to shoot in manual by reading everything I could get my hands on and constant practice. I enrolled in this course as a study along as I have a 7 month old and a lot of visitors at the moment so was unsure if I could stick to the time line. Even as a study along course this class has been sensational. I now understand my camera so much better, and my pictures have improved out of sight. I enjoyed reading the forum even though I was unable to participate, most of the time my questions had already been asked by somebody else. Lynne is a fantastic teacher and her notes are easy to read and understand. I recommend this course to anyone who is just starting out or would like some help with revising the basics. Can’t wait to do another course.
I took this class not knowing anything about photography. I got a nice camera from my husband and my pictures were not turning out well at all. I had a friend who took this class and she convinced me to sign up- and I am so glad I did. In 4 short weeks I feel like I have learned so much. I not have the tools and a basic understanding of my camera- and now I am really happy with my pictures. I feel like I have so much more to learn, like this is only the beginning, but I could not be any happier with my progress. The class is a good pace, with constant help if you need it. I feel like the mom with a little free time will benefit so much!
Loved this class. I’ve been using manual for a while now but was never completely comfortable with choosing my settings this class has changed this. Full of great written information, videos and audio too I learned far more in this class than I have reading book etc over the last couple of years. I highly recommend this class to both beginner and people wanting to brush up on their manual skills too. Lynne is an awesome teacher too, was great at answering questions and felt she really loves teaching 🙂
This was such an educational course. I felt like I took pretty decent..key word decent pictures prior to this class, but every week I could physically see my skills improve and it’s just par for the course that practice really does make you understand the concepts better. Lynne has so much talent and is willing to give feedback or answers to ANY ANY ANY question you have. I so enjoyed learning from her.
I have been taking photographs for many years now, but I had never taken any classes before. I’ve been offered a Canon 5D a few months ago and I found myself struggling with getting the results I wanted. I really needed to learn how to use my DSLR to its full capacity and how to shoot in manual.
Signing up for RYC 201 was the best decision I could have ever taken and I am so glad that my first photography class was with Lynne! You couldn’t dream of a better instructor than her. She is the most patient, generous and encouraging teacher I have ever met and she will make you want to challenge yourself every day!
Her explanations are crystal clear, she uses videos so you can actually see the lesson in action (great for visual learners like me) and she even provides audio files that you can listen to while you go through your assignments. She makes you feel completely comfortable with asking every question you need to ask. She always answers as fast as possible to any requests and she will do her maximum so everyone gets the very best of the class. Not only will she make your photography improve tremendously, but she will make you feel good and confident about it. I can’t wait to benefit again from Lynne’s awesomeness in RYC 201.
RYC 101 is the first workshop I have taken, and I am so glad I did. I purchased my first DSLR in March and this workshop helped me learn so much about my camera and photography. More than I could have learned by reading the manual and a book I purchased.
Lynne is fun, patient, and organized teacher. I was able to do full participation, and the feedback from assignments is where I learned most. If you just got a shiny new camera, I would not hesitate to take this workshop. I enjoyed it so much I will be taking RYC 201 when it is offered.
I was completely clueless about how to shoot in manual before this course; however, after taking Shooting 101 I understand and know how to apply aperture, shutter speed, ISO, metering, white balance, and other important aspects of my DSLR! Lynne and the other experts are extremely SUPPORTIVE and encouraging during the whole process. The answer your questions immediately and give valuable feedback that helps you grow as a photographer. I not only learned from Lynne but from my classmates as well- you’ll meet so many talented women from different backgrounds. This is an awesome class to take as a beginner and I HIGHLY recommend it! I just wish I signed up sooner!
This class is a MUST if you are starting out!! I actually had been shooting on manual mode for about 8 months prior to taking this workshop. It was my first workshop and I learned SO MUCH!! Lynne is such an amazing teacher! She will answer any and all of your questions!! Believe me, I asked tons! I recommend taking the full class participation if you can. The feedback you get is essential to your learning process! it is amazing how much I learned when I thought I had a pretty good handle on shooting in manual mode! I highly recommend this class if you are looking for a workshop to get you started shooting on manual or to make sure you actually know what you are doing!! You won’t regret it!!!
Lynne is an amazing teacher! Her lessons are well thought out and her videos clear. I learned so much under her careful guidance. This class and it’s follow up are must takes!
I’m also one who was shooting in manual, trying out various settings on my camera, and wondering if this class would be too basic for me. Not at all!!! I learned so much more than I ever thought possible. In fact, I can’t believe now I thought I knew what I was doing before this class! Lynne explains everything in a way that is easy to understand and apply. I can now adjust my settings (exposure, white balance, metering, etc.) with confidence. I can look at a situation and already forecast what my settings need to be and know why. I can not say enough good things about this class and Lynne!
This workshop is AWESOME, although I was already shooting in manual mode for a while, this workshop filled the gaps for me and then some. Lynne is an amazing teacher and is always there for you, she breaks things down so beautifully and the CC given in this workshop is priceless. I highly recommend this workshop!
Thanks to this workshop and Lynne I am not loving my camera. I am new to DSLR and I can’t think of a better way to start learning than to take this class. The files that Lynne prepared for us each week were very easy to read and full of great information. She even gave us some very informative audio and movie files which I am sure everyone appreciated as much as I did. Our questions were given quick responses which added to the fun of this workshop. I have lot’s of “how to” books with photography terms that I didn’t understand before this class. Now I can read them and better take in the information. Now I am counting the weeks until Lynne’s Beyond the Basics workshop begins!
I am extremely grateful I enrolled in this course. I am currently only on week 3 but I think I am able to review it and give positive kudos to Lynne! Timing wasn’t so great for me but I still am learning so much! You know all that photography lingo that is so confusing starting out? Well…through Lynne’s tutorials, I’ve finally learned what so many things I’ve been hearing and reading about mean! I think I could quite possibly have a successful conversation with another photographer without saying “huh?” While timing wasn’t great for me due to some travel, in most ways this course helped pull everything I had been reading together-so….in a sense timing was perfect. It’s also helped me get my butt in gear and practice! That has been the hardest as a full time working single mom. Whew! I don’t know how these CM’s do it! 😉 I enrolled in the study along and its been great. Of course, if you can manage the full participation, I would recommend it and if you can’t the study along is just awesome too. While you have access to all the material and the workshop forum, you can’t respond or get feedback on your pics. I have to say…boy…was this hard at first! As a woman with lots of words, I found myself talking out loud to Lynne and the other participants. In the past, I also thought online courses would be difficult, but I have to say, that its actually more ‘live’ than a book, and while it is not ‘in person’ it feels as though it is. Sure, I can look back at my photography books but these courses require that you participate with a book…I can easily just shelve it and given there are so many other things in my day calling me. With an in person workshop….you can go back to the day to review it. There is something unique about online workshops and I am glad I gave it a try.
Is it considered a review if I just say “Lynne rocks” over and over?! Because that’s what I want to say! Before I took this class, I only shot in auto. I had a camera that could do so much, but I couldn’t figure it out. I read instructions online, I read my manual, I bought books and nothing stayed with me. Then I took this course and it all came together for me. I finally understood what I was doing when I changed my settings. I finally felt like I was controlling my camera. Lynne’s lessons and videos and explanations are clear and fun. I only wish I had taken this course earlier. Her encouragement, critiques and answers to every questions made this class so wonderful. Go sign up!
If you’re on the fence about whether to take the course or not…DO IT! At first, I was afraid that I wouldn’t learn very much, because I had already been shooting in manual for months. I could not have been more wrong! The class gave me the foundation that I had simply skipped over when I was learning my camera on my own. The weekly assignments were challenging, yet easy enough that it set me up for success, which I realize now is so important in the early stages of learning about photography and still enjoying it. I can’t speak highly enough about this course and about Lynne’s capabilities as an instructor. Such a great class and I am so happy with all that I learned!
I had my DSLR for a little over a year before my son was born. Once he came along, I knew I needed to learn how to fully operate my camera and take better pictures. This is when I found CM and realized they offered courses. This was the very first CM workshop that I took and definitely the best photography investment I have ever made. Lynne teaches in such a way that is easy to understand and the information just starts to “click.” I couldn’t believe all that I learned from that workshop. If you have any questions about shooting in manual, please take this workshop. You will not regret it.
This class was such an eye-opener for me! I thought I already knew the ins and outs of shooting in manual mode, but heck if I didn’t learn so many things I wish I knew ages ago! My photography has completely changed since taking this course and I feel like my understanding of manual photography is complete now. This was one of the best photography investments I’ve made in the past year. Lynne is an awesome instructor- her video tutorials and feedback are priceless! Loved this class!
I took Lynne’s class as the Study along and it was amazing to see all the information that was packed into the class. The critiques that the full participation classmates were invaluable and I wish that I had done full participation. If you can swing for full participation do so because this class is worth it. Shooting in manual and actually being able to understand the ins and out of your camera are invaluable! Wonderful class and so thankful I could take her class. The notes and videos are very well done and explain things in ways you can understand.
This class was everything I hoped it would be. I really wanted to learn the basics of what all my camera is capable of and be able to understand the why behind making adjustments when shooting in manual. Lynne presents the material in segments that are manageable, yet challenging. The assignments motivate you to practice, practice, practice. By the end of the class, I not only know how to use my camera, but also can recognize a good or not so good picture and know how to fix the not so good ones.
Lynne, I was brand new to the forum process and would have loved to better understand how it worked before we started (posting from flickr, how to tag someone, etc.). I also didn’t know there was preassignment info posted until after I saw the first assignment so I felt behind the curve right from the beginning. I did feel like I caught up fast but would have loved to know to be looking at the forum before the class started.
I would highly recommend your class and learned so much…thank you! I hope to be able to take another class soon!!
This class is A-ma-zing! Lynne is an excellent teacher and the information is thorough yet easy to understand. Everyone should take this class! I wish I had taken it earlier. Run, hurry, sign up NOW!
I would recommend this class to anyone – a beginner just starting out or for someone who has had a long love of photography and thinks they know a lot but wants to know more. Lynne is a great teacher – her materials are incredibly thorough- detailed explanations that cover a vast amount of material in a manageable way. She is also incredibly encouraging and insightful in her critiques, and always available to answer questions. I am sorry it is over – and can’t wait for the next class!
I can’t believe how much I learned in 4 weeks! Lynne provided detailed, well-explained information and assignments each week that really made me understand why I was achieving the results I was achieving. I’m looking forward to continuing to improve my photography with what I’ve learned so far and to what I will learn in the next class I take! I highly recommend this course!
For the last years I took thousands of photos with my Iphone but didn´t know at all how to use a camera. I´ve learned sooooooo much in such a short time. Lynne is such a fun teacher and explains everything really well. I can highly recommend this class and I´ll be back for sure for other classes.
I was surprised by how much I learned in this class. Shifting to manual mode (and shooting in it all the time) was really just the tip of the iceberg — I now understand white balance, back button focusing, and more about composition and lighting. My photographs have improved dramatically and I am so fired up to learn more and to keep on getting better and better. Thanks, Lynne, for such a great learning experience!
I highly recommend this class!!! This class is hands downs the best photography investment I’ve made. I learned so much in such a short amount of time, its amazing! I feel like I was given the decoder ring on how to shoot in manual, be in control of my camera settings and finally understand what I’m doing.
Lynne is a wonderful teacher she makes learning and understanding the material easy and fun to follow along. Well explained lessons, lots of visual examples and great feedback on the assignments.
I lost track how many books, articles and videos I have watched through out the years (yeah years…….) and it never clicked until now. I only wish I would have taken this class sooner!
Thank you Lynne, can’t wait to take more classes with you!!!
I have been taking photos in auto for about 8 years, afraid to make the leap to manual. This class helped me make the leap and I don’t ever want to go back. Lynne’s class is awesome. Her instruction is so clear and step by step. I highly reccommend it!