Style and Voice is a five week online photography workshop that will take you on a personal journey to get to the heart of what inspires you and how it translates to your personal photographic style. We explore your personal style, study master photographers and utilize peer portfolio reviews to lead you on your own unique path.
This class is for experienced photographers and is rather intensive; please plan accordingly. Active Participants will need to submit a 15 image portfolio so the instructor can customize the class for the students. Submit the portfolio to lynne@thephotographerwithin.com
Due to the nature of this class, Silent Participants will have their own forum and restricted access to the Active Participants’ forum.
START DATE: Winter 2014/2015
Class is limited to 20 active participants and 30 silent participants.
“Photography is a journey. Every so often, we encounter a person, an experience, a workshop that sparks something in us that we didn’t know existed. It has been some time now since the “Style” workshop that I took with Lynne. For the most part, I was comfortable in my work. I had long mastered my technical skills. I could hit focus and color correct. I knew all about white balance. My problem was that I was so hung up on the technical skills and trying to create work that other photographers might like that I had no idea who I was as a photographer. I was stuck trying to be this photographer or that photographer. I was trying on different styles to see which one fit. Problem was that none of them were right for me.
Enter Lynne’s “Style” workshop. I knew within days of taking Lynne’s workshop that I needed to be honest with myself about who I was and the work I loved. The weekly assignments were carefully crafted to make sure each participant could embark on their unique journey of self-discovery.
Lynne’s class didn’t “give” me a style. Lynne didn’t sit down and “assign” a style to me. Style isn’t that easy, but she did give me great insight into who I was as a photographer. There is something vital about getting feedback from trusted friends, and that is what Lynne is to each of her workshop participants. She gently guides participants and gives helpful feedback. The most important lesson I learned from Lynne’s workshop was that it was OK to just be myself. I know… crazy that I needed someone else to tell me that, but I did. I credit Lynne in great part to helping me get to where I am today as a photographer and artist. Can I define my style now? Yep!”
-Katherine Clayton
I don’t even know where to start, nor do I know how to thank Lynne for her detailed, thoughtful assignments, her spot-on critiques, and her ability to spot a gem amongst a sea of sand (I had lots of sand, lol).
I was turned down for this class the first time, and rightfully so. The portfolio I submitted was not my best work, and Lynne has a meter like no other. Thankfully, I resubmitted and was admitted.
This class has propelled me into another level of photography – not only in understanding myself, why I shoot, what I like, but also by respecting the masters and learning from those who have perfected their craft. I also have confidence in ME – and I am no longer afraid to stretch the ‘rules’ a little.
I am so sad to leave this class, and if you ever need a TA Lynne I’m yours. This forum is THE greatest, and I am honored to have been part of the inaguaral class her at TPW.
Lynne – you are a constant source of inspiration and have had a tremendous effect not only on my photography, but my life.
Blueberries. What was the code word? I’m done being all kissy kissy, but you ARE amazing. <3 <3 <3
Worth every single penny, and more.
There are a few experiences in life that just connect all the dots in all the right places. Getting almost dumped into a very cold alpine lake when my husband proposed…the birth of my kids…picking up a camera again after a long absence…writing a piece of poetry that resonated in my soul…singing at the top of my lungs to a great Dixie Chicks song with my sisters. My dots were connected.
I’m very serious when I say that Lynne’s Style & Voice class is among those experiences for me. As a creative person, she pushed me to find identify and cultivate my vision, which was unbelievably freeing. It gave me a focus so that I could better encapsulate what I want my images to convey. Honesty, fun, natural movement….From learning to find inspiration in the works of masters to recognizing the opportunities right around me…it was humbling to know that she took such care and thought in the individual ways she approached me and each of my classmates. The mark of a truly great teacher. Thank you, Lynne, for helping me to connect all those hundreds of dots and to reignite (once again) my passion for the craft and for inspiring in me a vision moving forward.
In retrospect, I realize I was perhaps not a typical student in Lynne’s class. I already had a style, I think, and I was fully immersed in it. My problem was that I had difficulty embracing my style in this world of beautifully dramatic and moody photography; my work is anything but. But with Lynne’s sweet and enthusiastic guidance and her gentle but pointed questions, I had some of my biggest photography epiphanies in this workshop. With my fellow students I studied the work of the greats, and in doing so I learned to fully embrace “me”. I considered my audience, my goals, my loves, all that makes me who I am as a photographer today and guides where I am heading in this lifelong journey of mine. I made friends I think will be lifelong. I stepped out of my box, in some ways, which served to expand my voice while keeping it still mine. Lynne’s class is wonderful and intensely introspective, and I absolutely recommend it!
Oh, my goodness. How do I put into words what Lynne’s class has done for me? It couldn’t have come at a better time in my journey, and I am so thankful for her and this class. It has brought out a confidence and surety in my style, the right to be proud of what it is, and to not change it for anyone. She has this amazing ability to see right into you and the voice you project in your work. I’m very, very, very happy that I took this course. It’s like a five-week-long bear hug. 🙂 Thank you, Lynne. xoxo